Latissimus Dorsi Flap Patient 03
Latissimus Dorsi Flap Patient 03
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Patient Gender: Female
Breast Reconstruction
Reconstruction Method: Latissimus Dorsi Flap
Reconstruction Notes:The photos are in order showing the staged process with the before and after in the first row. This patient presented for bilateral revision of reconstructed breasts as the result of previous complications that resulted in breast asymmetry. Row 2: Patient’s before pictures. Row 3: The patient has completed surgery of left breast implant placement, right latissimus dorsi, and right tissue expander placement. Three months following, the right tissue expander was exchanged with a silicone breast implant. Fat grafting was then performed 3 months following that surgery to correct any imperfections. Row 4: The patient has completed bilateral breast reconstruction and then nipple areolar tattooing 3 months after healing. Row 5: After picture of the donor site.